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KeePass vs. LastPass 2023: How to Pick the Best Password Manager for Bulletproof Security

As cyberattacks proliferate, everyone needs a strong password manager. But should you choose old favorite KeePass or popular LastPass? I‘ll compare these password vaults across all key factors so you can make the right decision.

I‘ve evaluated dozens of password managers over my 10 years as an online privacy professional. Trust me – not all are created equal when it comes to safety and ease of use. A weak or breached manager can completely destroy your security.

In this comprehensive review, I‘ll zero in on how KeePass and LastPass stack up on:

  • Pricing
  • Features
  • Security track record
  • Compatibility and usability
  • Customer support

I‘ll also share:

  • Pros and cons of each manager
  • Expert insights on which platform is better
  • Password security tips for staying safe online
  • FAQs on using KeePass, LastPass, and other top managers

Let‘s dive in to determine if old favorite KeePass or popular LastPass is the password manager for you in 2023 and beyond!

Why You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2023

Before comparing KeePass vs. LastPass, it‘s important to understand why a password manager is now a must-have for all internet users.

The average person has over 100 online accounts from email to social media to banking. Juggling that many unique, complex passwords is impossible.

Yet 81% of hacking breaches involve weak or reused passwords. Cybercriminals have a field day guessing passwords like "123456" or getting into multiple accounts with the same credentials.

This is where password managers come to the rescue. They generate and store strong, random passwords for all your accounts in an encrypted vault. You only have to remember one master password.

With phishing attacks on the rise, having different passwords for every site keeps you safe. If one account gets compromised, the rest stay protected.

But not all password managers are equal when it comes to security and meeting your needs. Next I‘ll overview KeePass and LastPass – two of the most widely used options.

Introducing KeePass and LastPass: How They Work

KeePass and LastPass take different approaches to securing your passwords. Here‘s an introduction to how each platform works:

Quick facts on KeePass:

  • Released: 2006
  • Creator: Dominik Reichl
  • Type: Free, open source, offline password manager
  • How it works: Stores encrypted password database locally on your device(s)

KeePass pioneered the concept of encrypted password managers. You download the software for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android etc. and create a local database for your passwords.

Since it‘s not cloud-based, your password database only exists on devices you install KeePass. You sync passwords between devices by copying over your database file manually.

Many like this offline approach. It gives you total control over your password vault. There‘s no reliance on a company‘s cloud servers like other managers.

Quick facts on LastPass:

  • Released: 2008
  • Creator: Joe Siegrist and Blake Hallin
  • Type: Freemium password manager using encrypted cloud storage
  • How it works: Browser extension captures passwords and syncs them via cloud servers

LastPass took the password manager concept mainstream for the masses. It offers browser extensions, mobile apps, and desktop software connected to cloud syncing.

Once you set up an account and enable the extension, LastPass captures each password you create or enter and stores them in your encrypted vault. It can then auto-fill passwords across your different devices.

This cloud-based convenience comes with reasonable paid pricing. But it also introduces potential security concerns which I‘ll cover shortly.

Now that you understand the basics of KeePass and LastPass, let‘s see how they compare across the key factors for choosing a password manager.

KeePass vs LastPass: How Pricing Compares

One key difference between KeePass and LastPass is their pricing models:

KeePass LastPass
Price Free Free or paid plans starting at $3/month
Best Value Free version LastPass Families plan for $4/month (covers 6 users)
Money-back Guarantee No No

As open source software, KeePass is 100% free. There are no paid pro versions. You simply download it and start using it.

LastPass uses a "freemium" model. They offer a free version with limited features alongside paid subscriptions unlocking extras.

Individual plans start at $3/month. Or you can get their Families plan covering 6 users for $4/month.

Neither offers money-back guarantees. But you can try LastPass premium free for 30 days.

So if you want to avoid any monthly fees, KeePass is great. But LastPass provides strong value if you desire premium capabilities.

Next let‘s compare features.

Comparing Features: KeePass vs LastPass

When evaluating features beyond basic password management, LastPass pulls ahead of KeePass:

Feature KeePass LastPass
Password Sharing No Yes
Two-Factor Authentication Yes Yes
Password Generator Yes Yes
Autofill Yes Yes
Password Strength Report Yes Yes
Digital Legacy No Yes
Emergency Access No Yes
Dark Web Monitoring No Yes

Let‘s analyze some key items:

  • Password sharing – LastPass enabling sharing passwords with family is much more convenient than KeePass requiring manual database copying.
  • Digital legacy – LastPass lets you designate a trusted contact to access your vault in case of emergency or death. KeePass lacks this capability.
  • Dark web monitoring – LastPass will proactively monitor if your info appears on the dark web. This can provide an early warning if accounts are compromised.

KeePass excels at no-fuss password management. But LastPass offers premium features that may be worth paying for. You need to decide which extra capabilities are important for your use case.

KeePass vs LastPass: Which Is More Secure?

Now let‘s address the big question – which password manager offers better security?

Both KeePass and LastPass claim to use strong 256-bit AES encryption to secure your password vaults. But LastPass implements additional strengthening through PBKDF2 SHA-256.

This provides far more protection against brute force attacks. PBKDF2 applies key stretching by forcing millions of rounds of hashing to decipher passwords.

But encryption strength only paints part of the picture. You also have to consider the platforms‘ real world security track records:

  • KeePass – No reported breaches since its launch in 2006
  • LastPass – Suffered multiple known breaches impacting millions of users:
    • 2015 breach forced password resets
    • 2022 breach exposed encrypted vault data
    • Late 2022 breach allowed unauthorized access yet again

The bottom line – while LastPass touts excellent encryption, their systems and infrastructure have proven vulnerable to sophisticated attacks on multiple occasions.

KeePass‘s flawless security over 16+ years makes it the safer choice today. Its open source codebase also provides continual auditing and bug bounties.

Personally, I will not recommend any password manager with a history of successful breaches to store sensitive data. One lapse in security is too many.

Comparing Compatibility: KeePass vs. LastPass

Besides bulletproof security, you want your password manager to work seamlessly across all devices.

LastPass generally offers smoother integration and compatibility versus KeePass:

KeePass LastPass
Windows Yes Yes
macOS Yes Yes
Android Yes Yes
iOS Limited Yes
Google Chrome Yes Yes
Mozilla Firefox Yes Yes
Microsoft Edge Yes Yes
Apple Safari No Yes

Although KeePass is available across platforms, I‘ve found LastPass integration much more seamless, especially for:

  • iOS – LastPass offers smooth auto-fill via its standalone iOS app. KeePass relies on clunky 3rd party iOS apps.
  • Safari – LastPass full Safari integration is a must for Apple loyalists.

So when it comes to convenience, LastPass has a noticeable edge. But KeePass satisfies core requirements for most devices and browsers.

KeePass vs. LastPass: Customer Support

Let‘s quickly compare customer service options if something goes wrong:

KeePass LastPass
24/7 Live Chat No No (just knowledge base)
Phone Support No Yes (for paid plans)
Email Support No No
Knowledge Base/Forums Yes Yes

Neither offers live chat or email support. But LastPass provides phone assistance for premium users needing urgent help.

Overall, customer service is mediocre for both platforms. Expect to rely on web searches and forum posts when troubleshooting.

KeePass vs LastPass: Quick Pros and Cons

Before choosing the right password manager for you, let‘s recap some key pros and cons of KeePass and LastPass:



  • 100% free and open source
  • Perfect security track record
  • Total control over local password database
  • Helpful community support forums


  • No advanced features like sharing or emergency access
  • Integration and interface inferior to LastPass
  • Very limited customer support options



  • Generous free version available
  • Packed with convenience features
  • Smoother compatibility across devices
  • Phone support option for paid users


  • History of major security breaches
  • Must pay monthly for full access
  • Lackluster live support beyond knowledge base

As you can see, both options have unique advantages and disadvantages. Which pros matter most depends on your priorities as a user.

Expert Pick: KeePass is the Safest Password Manager for 2023

When considering all factors objectively, I recommend KeePass as the most secure password manager for 2023 and beyond.

LastPass falls short due to its disappointing security track record. Your password vault is too sensitive to risk.

KeePass offers uncompromising protection along with meeting all core password management needs. And as open source software, you skip any monthly fees.

The interface lags behind LastPass when it comes to convenience and usability. Advanced features like password sharing require workarounds as well.

But KeePass still provides reliable, no-fuss password management across your devices. Its unparalleled 16+ year security record gives me confidence in recommending it.

For those seeking premium capabilities, commercial options like 1Password or Dashlane are compelling alternatives worth exploring.

Expert Tips for Password Security

Using KeePass, LastPass, or any password manager drastically strengthens your online security.

Here are a few expert tips to further lock down your accounts:

Use strong master passwords – Your master password for your vault should be extremely strong, at least 12 characters mixing upper/lowercase, numbers, and symbols. Avoid common words or phrases.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) – Add an extra layer like biometrics or SMS codes so hackers can‘t access accounts even with your password.

Change passwords regularly – Update your passwords every 60-90 days on the most important accounts to limit exposure if breached.

Avoid password reuse – Never use the same password on multiple sites. Reusing passwords remains a major vulnerability.

Watch out for phishing – Don‘t click suspicious links or provide login credentials on unfamiliar sites to prevent getting scammed.

Follow these tips in conjunction with a robust password manager like KeePass and your accounts will gain powerful protection.

KeePass vs LastPass: Key Questions and Answers

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about KeePass, LastPass, and other top password managers:

Is KeePass really the most secure option overall?

KeePass is among the most secure. But 1Password and Bitwarden also have excellent encryption and no known breaches. Multiple safe open source options exist.

What are the main advantages of KeePass over LastPass?

The biggest advantages are KeePass‘s flawless long-term security track record compared to LastPass‘s repeated breaches. Also, being open source allows continual code auditing. And using local databases provides added control.

How does LastPass‘s $4 families plan work?

LastPass Families covers up to 6 users. It allows securely sharing passwords and vault items with family members. The admin can control access and remove users if needed. It also adds 1GB of encrypted file storage per user.

Is LastPass still safe to use after the recent security issues?

Given multiple successful attacks over the years, LastPass no longer offers the ironclad security I demand in a password manager. While LastPass promises enhancements after the latest breaches, proven resilient alternatives like KeePass exist.

What other password managers are worth considering?

1Password and Dashlane are both highly rated commercial options if you desire premium features and world-class support. Bitwarden is also a great open source pick.

Choose the Best Password Manager for You

Selecting a trusted password manager ultimately depends on your priorities and needs as a user.

If you demand uncompromising security and control above all, open source stalwart KeePass is a phenomenal choice.

But LastPass offers greater ease of use and flexibility for those who value convenience.

Carefully weigh the pros and cons presented in this guide before deciding. And never sacrifice on security – a breach can completely devastate your digital life.

Whatever password manager you go with, make sure you use it religiously. Generating and storing unique, complex passwords across all your accounts is absolutely crucial for safety in our digital age.

You work too hard to build your online presence and assets. Don‘t let weak passwords and cybercriminals take that away from you.

Choose wisely and password manage safely!


Streamr Go

StreamrGo is always about privacy, specifically protecting your privacy online by increasing security and better standard privacy practices.